C3 San Diego

Citizens Coordinate for Century 3 (C-3) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization of informed citizens who are interested in local and regional planning issues. For over four decades C-3 has played an important role in shaping city policy and informing citizens on planning issues -- from the preservation of rivers, parks, canyons, valleys and beaches to the revitalization of downtowns and neighborhoods.

C-3 offers a comprehensive approach to growth management by encouraging open space, high standards of urban design, and coordination of planning between public and private sectors so that San Diego's continuing development will complement its natural setting. Our vision and aims are further described in Toward Permanent Paradise.


Citizens Coordinate was founded in 1961 by a group of concerned citizens led by Lloyd Ruocco and Esther Scott with the support of Hamilton Marston and Ellen Revelle. Their objectives were to conserve and promote "a handsome/functional community" through research, education and coordinated citizen action.

In the next decade, through a grant from the Marston family, San Diego was offered a compelling view of itself by renowned urban planners Donald Appleyard and Kevin Lynch. Their visionary and seminal planning document, Temporary Paradise?, influenced conservation programs now being implemented in the region, and addressed the challenges of redirecting growth into existing communities. With its update Toward Permanent Paradise, C-3 is committed to carrying forward the vision to preserve the natural and man-made assets of our unique region.

Goals and Objectives

  • Provide forums for education and exchange of ideas about the San Diego region.
  • Ensure that balance between natural and built environments is prevalent in the planning process.
  • Provide a vision for San Diego that looks at all aspects of the region such as issues of water, conservation of natural habitats, and revitalization of older communities.
  • Provide neutral discussion forums for members to make informed decisions and effectively advance the best design solutions.